Saturday, January 2, 2016

Your Birthday, Christmas, and the New Year

Dear Future Wife,

Over the past couple of weeks we've had so many things go on. Your birthday... I am so glad you trusted me enough to make your day great. Your tattoo turned out amazing! I'm so happy you like it. You are the one person I've ever wanted to do so much for. I will never stop. Even when 7 years rolls around, 14 years, 21 years... etc. I won't stop.

Christmas was the best I've ever had. The joy in your eyes when I gave you "The Giver" made my year. Thank you for spending the New Year with me. I enjoyed going to the museum with you, and getting to kiss you when the new year rolled in. I'm looking forward to the craziness that will happen this Spring.

I adore your parents. Keith seems like a really funny guy, but he seems like he doesn't want to show his cards. You mom is definitely a kind soul - She seems very protective of you. I'm glad for that. I wouldn't have it any other way. However, it scares me to think I'm going to have to ask them for their blessing at some point...