Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Prequel to the Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

Dear Future Wife,

In a month, you'll go from being my "fiancé" and my "future wife", to my "wife". We've been living together for just under 2 months now, and learning the ins and outs of how things will end up being has been exciting. Gracie learning to put up with me has been fun. I'm sure that she will be reporting back to Mother Russia about my goings on in no time, if she hasn't been already. Who knows how long it will take her to install a new super-secret hideout.

So, some sappy things... the following numbers have something in common with each other... 43,200, 30, and 720. They're the different ways you can break down a month... minutes, days, and hours, respectively. The number 43,200 is interesting... it's almost exactly the population of city you were born in... only off by 179... so that's close enough, right?

Take the number 30... We met in your 30th year, 30 days after we met I lost my job at the State (which was a huge blessing in disguise), but it is also the number of days until we are married. Then there's 720... that's the number of hours until we're married, but it's also the number of days before today that you helped me so much, and made me begin to realize I wanted you to be my wife. That day was Thursday, Sept 24th, 2015. It was the day that you came to see me after work on that day (I was in training), found that I was sick, and "noped the hell out" lol However, you did drop off something that helped me through it, and I went to work the next day, and applied for a promotion that I ended up getting.

I love you greatly, and am the luckiest man in the world!


Friday, June 23, 2017

The Craziest Time of My Life

Dear Future Wife,

It's been a year since you told me you would would marry me. Here we are, less than 4 months away, and things are starting to get crazy. Wedding planning... finding a place to move in together... packing up our lives... planning the move...

Things feel crazy at times, but nothing can beat the feelings I have when we are together. Knowing you are here with me and that we can overcome anything together is a great feeling. You make me feel so much better when you’re around. I want to feel that for the rest of my days.

I can’t help but smile to myself when I think of all the fun we have. It doesn’t matter if we are at home or on the road. You have the ability to bring a smile on my face no matter what the situation is. You are an incredibly smart and funny woman. Thank you for being my future wife.

We both know that we still have a lot to do before October, but I'm confident that we'll conquer every challenge set before us in the coming months.

PS. Thanks for patching me up today *hugs-n-kisses*

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Dear Future Wife,

I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to say. Words simply cannot describe how grateful I am to have you in my life. I keep coming back to a number... Two.

February is the 2nd month... It's the first prime number, and the only even prime number... The two of us... two years... two...

The Chinese believe two is a lucky number because "good things come in pairs". Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac... a sign that has importance to you. In Tarot, the number two is the card of the High Priestess which symbolizes wisdom and good judgement. The Yin and Yang keep balance together... Even Judaism and Christianity recognize that two is a pretty powerful number.. God had Noah put two of each animal on the ark... Two challahs are placed on the table for every Shabbat meal... Then there's Ecclesiastes 4:9-12:

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up, but pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves."

In Numerology, 2 is the number of the of the divine feminine - the sacred mother. Her strength and power... Sometimes people will be amazed by the leadership and decisive actions of the number 1, but the 1 relies on the clever and insightful advice of its greatest ally: the number 2.

I hope to always have you as my greatest ally, and dispenser of clever and insightful advice. I hope to always be the same for you.