Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Prequel to the Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

Dear Future Wife,

In a month, you'll go from being my "fiancé" and my "future wife", to my "wife". We've been living together for just under 2 months now, and learning the ins and outs of how things will end up being has been exciting. Gracie learning to put up with me has been fun. I'm sure that she will be reporting back to Mother Russia about my goings on in no time, if she hasn't been already. Who knows how long it will take her to install a new super-secret hideout.

So, some sappy things... the following numbers have something in common with each other... 43,200, 30, and 720. They're the different ways you can break down a month... minutes, days, and hours, respectively. The number 43,200 is interesting... it's almost exactly the population of city you were born in... only off by 179... so that's close enough, right?

Take the number 30... We met in your 30th year, 30 days after we met I lost my job at the State (which was a huge blessing in disguise), but it is also the number of days until we are married. Then there's 720... that's the number of hours until we're married, but it's also the number of days before today that you helped me so much, and made me begin to realize I wanted you to be my wife. That day was Thursday, Sept 24th, 2015. It was the day that you came to see me after work on that day (I was in training), found that I was sick, and "noped the hell out" lol However, you did drop off something that helped me through it, and I went to work the next day, and applied for a promotion that I ended up getting.

I love you greatly, and am the luckiest man in the world!


Friday, June 23, 2017

The Craziest Time of My Life

Dear Future Wife,

It's been a year since you told me you would would marry me. Here we are, less than 4 months away, and things are starting to get crazy. Wedding planning... finding a place to move in together... packing up our lives... planning the move...

Things feel crazy at times, but nothing can beat the feelings I have when we are together. Knowing you are here with me and that we can overcome anything together is a great feeling. You make me feel so much better when you’re around. I want to feel that for the rest of my days.

I can’t help but smile to myself when I think of all the fun we have. It doesn’t matter if we are at home or on the road. You have the ability to bring a smile on my face no matter what the situation is. You are an incredibly smart and funny woman. Thank you for being my future wife.

We both know that we still have a lot to do before October, but I'm confident that we'll conquer every challenge set before us in the coming months.

PS. Thanks for patching me up today *hugs-n-kisses*

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Dear Future Wife,

I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to say. Words simply cannot describe how grateful I am to have you in my life. I keep coming back to a number... Two.

February is the 2nd month... It's the first prime number, and the only even prime number... The two of us... two years... two...

The Chinese believe two is a lucky number because "good things come in pairs". Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac... a sign that has importance to you. In Tarot, the number two is the card of the High Priestess which symbolizes wisdom and good judgement. The Yin and Yang keep balance together... Even Judaism and Christianity recognize that two is a pretty powerful number.. God had Noah put two of each animal on the ark... Two challahs are placed on the table for every Shabbat meal... Then there's Ecclesiastes 4:9-12:

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up, but pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves."

In Numerology, 2 is the number of the of the divine feminine - the sacred mother. Her strength and power... Sometimes people will be amazed by the leadership and decisive actions of the number 1, but the 1 relies on the clever and insightful advice of its greatest ally: the number 2.

I hope to always have you as my greatest ally, and dispenser of clever and insightful advice. I hope to always be the same for you.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Five-Hundred Twenty-Five-Thousand Six-Hundred Minutes

Dear Future Wife,

One year.

Twelve months.

Three-hundred sixty-five days.

It doesn't matter how you slice it, this next year will be one of the most important of our lives. How are we going to measure the time until we are married? I'm definitely all for measuring it in cups of coffee... but, perhaps not. We both know that too much caffeine, and I become a ball of crazy.

No, I know how I want to measure this next year. I would propose that we measure it in journey's to plan. Because it's not just about the destination... it's about making our own way together, and enjoying each other along the way.

A year from today, we will be married. I will be your husband, and you will be my wife. Let's savor the rest of this part of our journey. After all, this will be the last time we'll have this season of our love before we move on to the next as husband and wife.

I look forward to the next 525,600 minutes, and the journeys we will plan together.

Yours As You Wish,


"Measure your life in love"

Sunday, September 4, 2016

It's (Almost) the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Dear Future Wife,

So, it's almost October. The greatest month of the year. Not just because of Halloween, but because it's arrival truly signifies the death of Summer... even though Autumn supposedly begins at the Autumnal Equinox this month, we always seem to get a bout of "2nd Summer" at some point.

Soon we will not have to worry about allergies... feeling gross because of the ungodly temperatures and humidity... and you will get to work on achieving Nirvana with your hair straightening routine.

You make things in my life so easy by simplifying everything. Everything gets so complicated in my mind because I'll spend too much time thinking about it, and you are able to cut through the fog and make everything clear. Your ability to do this is what makes you a great person.

I look forward to our own "Valentine's Day" at the end of the month.

I love you, Sweets.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dates, Venues, and Guest Lists, Oh My!

Dear Future Wife,

So, I know the majority of this has been a bit cutesy, and corny... but, from here on in, I'm going to take the tone somewhere similar to our own conversations.

How crazy was today? We have felt many emotions today, and have been drained. In a week, we've picked a date, got most of our guest lists done, and found a venue. I'm glad those things are done, or mostly done. I'm also glad we've figured out our groomsmen and bridesmaids already. But, I want to make sure we don't overdo ourselves.

That being said, Devil's Head was everything I would want out of a place to be married. From getting there and Alanis Morissette playing (even though it was a bad rerecording), to leaving and Evanescence playing... It made me happy that was the cue you took from the universe to say yes. Then there are things like places to be secluded to break the attention being given to us... the potential of beautiful fall colours... the eclectic style and a room that has not been used for many weddings ever.

However, I can tell this week has taken a toll on you. People paying you so much attention, and so much unwanted touching... I will be a little worried, but always support you in every way. Over this next week, we will do none of the things... and next Thursday we will revel in a day tailored for us in seclusion. Strawberries, cartoons, movies, and maybe even a proper homemade dinner.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Corn Fields the Size of Kansas

Dear Future Wife,

Well, now you've done it. You went and said "yes". Soo... should I start planning the honey moon now? Or... how does this even work? You've said you want to be married on a Friday the 13th, and I'm okay with this. However, there's no more in 2016, and only 2 in 2017.

I'm guessing it'll be the latter of the two... because unless you're filthy rich, who the hell can plan a proper wedding in 6 months? Let alone save for it.

For now, I look forward to the next several months where we get to figure out a non-pretentious way of calling each other "fiancée", and starting to figure out where we go from here.

As for anyone else that's reading, here's the ring in it's proper place:

A special thanks goes out to Brett Linskens @ The Diamond Center in Madison, WI. His helpful demeanor, and positive attitude made the whole experience great! Thank you also to Jason, Caroline, and Tricia for making every stop memorable! If you live in Wisconsin, I highly recommend you seek out The Diamond Center - they're local, and when it comes to buying something so important, going to Jared's or Kay's just isn't worth the hassle.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The End of Life as I Know It...

Dear Future Wife,

When you had me watch "P.S. I Love You" with you, I knew from that moment that it would come up at some point if I decided to ask you to be my wife. I can't remember the day we watched it, but it had a deep and lasting impact on me. I just watched it again last night. I decided a long while ago that I would watch it the night before I was going to propose to you, and work it into this blog.

To be honest, Gerry said it best... Caroline, from the time we had our first kiss, it was the end of life as I knew it. There are reasons behind why I decided to write this blog. It's because I knew I needed to do two things:

1) To paraphrase the movie: "I needed to tell you how much you have moved me... how you changed me. You've made me into a man by loving me, and for that I'm eternally grateful."

2) I needed to do it in a way that I wouldn't break down sobbing while trying to ask you to marry me, and to tell you why you're the one that I want to spend all the rest of my days with.

So, when you're ready... I'd like to ask you a question...

P.S. I love you.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Murphy & His Shenanigans

Dear Future Wife,

So, by now you know that I have had quite the crazy past couple of days. Murphy tried to pull some crazy stunts, but he has been defeated.

Now you also know why I had a bunch of mason jars sitting in my apartment that day... Totally going to have to make jam now, aren't I? What's funny is that these were hiding in plain sight this past Thursday.

I thought of another to add to the jar on the left...
"Because you're the strongest person I've ever known."

I picked up your ring yesterday... and felt the heady realization that it's finally going to happen, and happen the right way. It's so beautiful, and I cannot wait to see it on your finger.

"Everything's Shiny, Cap'n!"

Friday, May 6, 2016

Blessed Be

Dear Future Wife,

So, today I met your parents in Baraboo at a really cute diner and asked them for their blessing to ask you to be my wife. I was so worried and anxious. After lots of conversation, & lots of great questions, Keith extended his hand seemingly out of nowhere and told me that I had his blessing. I was so surprised!

I am glad I got to do this, and that they got to ask me questions that they felt they needed to ask me. I actually look forward to spending family holidays with the three of you.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

I Hope Jewel's Husband Heard You :)

Dear Future Wife,

Yesterday we went to Wizard Con with Gnomie. I had so much fun at my first con! I wish I was not in so much pain with my shoulder, but there's not much I can do about that.

Thank you for being okay with allowing me to geek out over seeing Jewel Staite. My favorite part of the whole thing was the fact that you got upset with me when Jewel was talking about her lasagna, and I turned to you and said "It's delicious!" - when you said "How would you know? You've never had it!", I wanted to laugh so hard lol

Then to find out that Jewel's husband was sitting directly behind us with their son? I really hope he heard you say that lol

I'm getting close to having your ring. There have been some delays, but if you're reading this, you'll know by now that I've got it.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why's It Always Have To Be Frogs...

Dear Future Wife,

I've never had so much fun playing a video game with a partner before. The sheer chaos of watching all that we built tonight burn down in a fiery blaze of pixelated glory... I can't help but smile.

The ring is starting to come together, and become a real thing... and I've tried asking you if you'd like to go see your parents in Viroqua... this is mostly under the guise of I'd like to try to ask them for their blessing, but I don't know how it's going to work yet.

"I can't say how every time I ever put my arms around you, I felt that I was home."
-Earnest Hemmingway

Saturday, February 20, 2016

This Is Your Song...

Dear Future Wife,

So... from popped balloons, to late night grocery store snack runs, to creepy hallways... Sitting with you listening to a guy performing as Elton John took it out of me. Sometimes I want to put a fast forward on life so that I can hurry up and be your husband, but I don't because I'm sure I'd miss so many important things that way. That moment with you is one I'm afraid I'd have missed... I wouldn't trade that memory for anything.

This year has been the best thing ever. I'm still not sure why I thought it was March, or that our first date was on the 17th... but, I'm glad we got to do something memorable... even if the food was dreadful lol


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Your Birthday, Christmas, and the New Year

Dear Future Wife,

Over the past couple of weeks we've had so many things go on. Your birthday... I am so glad you trusted me enough to make your day great. Your tattoo turned out amazing! I'm so happy you like it. You are the one person I've ever wanted to do so much for. I will never stop. Even when 7 years rolls around, 14 years, 21 years... etc. I won't stop.

Christmas was the best I've ever had. The joy in your eyes when I gave you "The Giver" made my year. Thank you for spending the New Year with me. I enjoyed going to the museum with you, and getting to kiss you when the new year rolled in. I'm looking forward to the craziness that will happen this Spring.

I adore your parents. Keith seems like a really funny guy, but he seems like he doesn't want to show his cards. You mom is definitely a kind soul - She seems very protective of you. I'm glad for that. I wouldn't have it any other way. However, it scares me to think I'm going to have to ask them for their blessing at some point...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Interesting Happenings

Dear Future Wife,

This week two interesting things happened. Yesterday, I got your actual Christmas present back from Ms. Lois Lowry. She signed the dedication as I had asked... because Caroline Renée... YOU DON'T SUCK!

The other interesting thing was today... I got worried that I had broken your heart at some point because a friend said that all men do it... When I asked you, you said that I hadn't yet, and asked me why. I told you about what she had said, and you agreed that it's just a matter of time before I break your heart. It took me aback... Because truly, my heart would crumble if I ever broke your heart -- even if just a fracture.

You got short with me, and told me that thinking about hypothetical things will just make me crazy... and you didn't have the patience for it at that time... and ended it with "So, fuck that shit." And it made me think, yeah... fuck that shit! Then I reread what you wrote, and I was like... why did I not get hurt by what she wrote there? I've figured it out. I'm finally starting to trust you more, and overcoming some of my tendencies to worry. I mean, who knows why you got short... you were probably having a bad hair day - you just got it cut 2 days ago.

I will see you tonight, and tomorrow. I'm looking forward to Christmas.

Monday, November 30, 2015

I Met Your Parents...

Dear Future Wife,

So, the Friday before Thanksgiving, I started putting money down on the ring that I'm going to give you today. Now I just have to live on ramen & tofu for a few months lol (just kidding... sorta lol)

I met your parents on Thanksgiving. I was so worried, and in hindsight, there was no reason for it. The time spent there will be unforgettable to me, as I'm sure it will be the same for you. I know you said most of your Thanksgivings in the past were not great, so the bar was set pretty low as far as what to expect. Then when I dropped you off at your home, you told me it was the best Thanksgiving ever. Now, while I do know the bar was set pretty low, I know that overall you enjoyed yourself because of you were smiling after a week that would have normally left you wanting to stab everyone in the face.

I look forward to what Christmas will bring.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Caroline & Jason have earned the achievement:
"Freed the Four"!

Dear Future Wife,

I don't know why I was anxious meeting more of your friends. I'm always like that on important days, I guess. This was one of the first days where we functioned as a couple, in a group. I had loads of fun, and I'm sure everyone else did as well.

Watching you quest was an amazing treat. I've been consistent in feeling that we make a good team, but we even make a team around us better. Going to Wizard Quest for Halloween was thoroughly enjoyable, and I hope we go every year, and that we get to go back up to the Dells sometime soon and go to Ripley's, or go on a Duck Ride.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Locating a Ring Vendor

Dear Future Wife,

I went to the Diamond Center yesterday. I spoke with a great guy named Brett... he told me that so many things are possible... creating rings that we've looked at online... just amazing things.

The only word I can use to describe the whole thing is "serendipity". You see, the store manager's name is Jason. They have a sales rep there named Caroline. It's not too often that things like this happen in life.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Lazy Days Off

Dear Future Wife,

Yesterday was the most amazing day spent with you yet. Watching crazy movies that we both like (thank you for putting up with "Four Rooms"!), a delicious lunch of sammiches, making Nutella flavored Rice Krispie treats with dark chocolate fudge on top, making love, and smart boxes with the bright lights and the clickety clackety.

I hope future days off together are just as passionate, fun, and memorable.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Where to begin...?

15th of October, 2015

Dear Future Wife,

Today I learned something about myself. I learned that you are the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You don't know this yet, but you will. We've been talking about rings and other silly things for a few weeks now, but I am now starting to plan to get your ring, and how to ask you.

I want it to be special. While you are potentially the first woman I will marry, you are not the first woman I've asked. I've grown quite a lot since that time in my life, and part of that is because of the support I've received from you.

I will write more to you soon.

Yours, as you wish,